POSTiT 8; Roy Clarke’s KEEPING UP APPEARANCES Series Appreciation by, CE Gordon

Keeping Up Appearances

‘B U C K E T, accent on the second syllable. It’s pronounced Bouquet. The Bouquet residence, the lady of the house speaking.’

Yes, I too, answer calls thusly replacing ‘Bouquet’ with Gordon and ‘the lady’ with the gentleman. The tone of Mrs. Hyacinth Bouquet’s telephone answering voice included. Oh, joy (laughs).

Beyond appreciation it’s celebratory. Of the series that is. A privilege. I’m tempted to include a thousand Keeping Up Appearances images suggesting a shrine hence rather not. But… No. Facepalm.

The series being unfamiliar, Google and/or YouTube assists, and once captivated as me, communities online are welcoming.

‘Now kindly clear this line. There are people of substance in this community who are probably queuing to ring me at this very moment.’

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